History of Game Over


Kid Paddle

In order to talk about the series Game Over, it is necessary first to talk about the parent series: Kid Paddle.

Kid Paddle is a comic book bearing the name of its hero. In this series we find the adventures of Kid, a ten-year-old child, a major fan of video games and gore. When Kid plays a video game, his virtual double is the Petit Barbare (Little Barbarian), an animated hero in the universe of the video game. The first’s steps of Kid Paddle and the Little Barbarian date back to 1993 in Spirou’s Journal and in album form since 1996.


Game Over

In 2002, the Kid Paddle Magazine was launched. This Magazine required a considerable number of storyboards. As the Kid Paddle storyboard production was not enough to fill up the magazine, Midam decided to train an assistant (Adam Devreux) to draw a supplement of gags concerning the Little Barbarian. The spin-off series Game Over was born. In October 2004, the first album of Game Over came to the bookstores.

Since then 18 albums were published (and others are still coming) utilising different screenplay resources gathered on this very website.

Game Over is always pre-published in Spirou’s Magazine and around 2 million albums were sold to date.

Since 2008, Midam gives the opportunity to professional or amateur scriptwriters to participate to the Game Over adventure with collecting various gags with this crowd sourcing website.