Send us your scenario !

This idea is supremely simple. You send us your scripts through this website. The accepted scripts will be paid 400 all taxes included per accepted script.
So that a script can be accepted and paid for, a contract for the transfer of copyright and a contract for the transfer of the rights to audiovisual adaptation will be sent to you and will have to be signed.
Of course, it goes without saying that Midam’s decision to accept a script remains at his complete discretion and the simple sending of a script does not generate any responsibility for the latter nor any rights for author of the script. The author of the script shall undertake to respect the decision by Midam.
The sum of 400€ means that the author of the script will receive a sum of money for the transfer of the entirety of the rights relating to the script purchased. In other words, you will not receive anything on the sale of the books, the replacements in the press, the merchandising or the audiovisual production, even if Steven Spielberg uses your script to create a blockbuster!
You will have received a fixed fee and we are even.
To tell a joke, you have 2 possibilities. Either you write the jke, taking care to cut out your story according to the boxes, or you scribble it. If you write, go to the simplest and make short sentences using the present time. Prefer “the little barbarian is at the foot of a cliff …” rather than “we see the little barbarian at the foot of a cliff …”.
How can you participate ?
You can send your scenario as drawn or written work. To submit your scenario in drawn format, you need to scan each board in A4 format at 100dpi maximum.
If one or more of your scenario proposals is accepted, Midam Productions will contact you to make the necessary arrangements for signing a rights assignment contract.
Here’s to good work!